
Is College An Essential Foundation For Every Job?

2023-02-27 (월) 12:00:00 Sabrina Kwon Whittier Christian High School 11th Grade
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A college degree is an essential step for most jobs. Since the 1800s, education has always been important. Back then, having a degree was only for the high class, and the opportunity was limited to many.

However, in today’s society, college is much more available to everyone, as a degree is important for many jobs. However, here is the golden question: Is it necessary for every job?

These days, a degree is required for most jobs. However, if you look at entertainers such as singers, actors, and dancers, many do not have a college degree, but they’re still making millions. However, what are the chances of succeeding in these categories? A college degree gives someone qualifications to ensure a future job, whether it is well paying or not. However, jobs meant to entertain are difficult, as not everyone succeeds in them. If someone has a passion for this field, they must work hard and ensure success for themselves, especially if they don’t have a degree to fall back on.

However, college education provides more than just a degree. It provides knowledge such as mathematical skills, history, writing skills, and so much more that can help you in the long run. Kaylin Kim, 11th grader at Sunny Hills, states how “although college is not a must for everyone, getting primary and secondary education is crucial for basic problem solving skills.” These skills come in handy for any future job, whether it is at playing soccer, singing, etc. You may also gain more respect from others if you graduated from college, even if it isn’t a competitive one.

However, college is a choice and it is not meant for everyone. Yuna Shin, an 11th grader from Yorba Linda High School, states how “education should be a right and not a privilege, but of course sometimes things don’t work out.” Not getting a degree is risky, but it is definitely possible to reach success without it. Many people are not fit for college, so they seek other jobs and experiences. However, it is risky not having any educational degree, but many people have succeeded tremendously with other talents they have. A famous soccer player doesn’t use their time studying Plato, they spend their time working on their speed and agility.

Overall, college is important for many different jobs, but it isn’t a necessary foundation. It does guarantee a future job, but some are not cut out for college, and college is a choice. If you are a Kardashian, do you really need a college degree? Probably not.

Sabrina Kwon / Whittier Christian High School 11th Grade

<Sabrina Kwon Whittier Christian High School 11th Grade>

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