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Typhoon Hinnamnor

2022-11-14 (월) 12:00:00 Kelly (Jihyo) Lim / SJA Jeju 8th Grade
크게 작게
Typhoon Hinnamnor

Kelly (Jihyo) Lim / SJA Jeju 8th Grade

Typhoon season is a fact of life for Jeju residents. However, this time it was astonishingly different.

Five countries were slammed by a powerful typhoon with wind speeds that exceeded 255 kph. The resulting chaos left 12 people dead, many more injured, and property damages totaling more than 1.21 billion dollars or 1.72 trillion won.

These incidents all occurred in ONE week. Many of us have never experienced a typhoon of this magnitude.

As global warming continues to become worse, the frequency and severity of these weather events are also getting worse.

On average, Jeju Island is affected by seven typhoons every year. Typical typhoons’ speed varies from 118 kph to 184 kph. This typhoon was a monster; its name, was Hinnamnor.

It was a regular day like any other as I left my dorm room to get my dinner. I opened the door and immediately my ears went numb because of the sound of the thundering rain.

I hid under my umbrella as I courageously took my first step into the torrential rain.

The world was rain. It seemed to be coming from everywhere. Instantaneously, as I hauled my foot up to take another step, the wind blew so hard that I lost my footing. I almost tripped but I got lucky because I’m pretty good on my feet.

I turned my head to discern the seriousness of it. Instantly, I got that gut feeling that I was in danger. My umbrella started to flip upside down and my hair covered my eyesight. I closed my umbrella and sprinted for my life to the nearest bathroom.

Luckily, after a few seconds, the rain stopped and I could safely go get my dinner.

Typhoon Hinnamnor gave me a lot of lessons through the experience. At first, I was petrified. My whole body was shivering and I felt desolate. I had no idea what to do.

Then, after the typhoon passed away, I was amazed by nature and how she can be so powerful. A human is a tiny ant compared to her. Preparation was the only way to be safe and sound. Since typhoons and hurricanes are becoming worse, it is necessary to be prepared for them. Let’s save lives!

Kelly (Jihyo) Lim / SJA Jeju 8th Grade

<Kelly (Jihyo) Lim / SJA Jeju 8th Grade>

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