
Heat Domes: Too Hot to Live?

2023-10-23 (월) 12:00:00 Jiann Kim Beckman High School 11th Grade
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Heat Domes: Too Hot to Live?

Jiann Kim Beckman High School 11th Grade

As temperatures skyrocket to record-breaking highs in Texas, there have been various concerns regarding the residents’ safety. There are some identifiable causes for this sudden heat wave such as the “heat dome”, climate change, and also other short term factors. The impact has been deadly, taking the lives of multiple people already.

One of the greatest contributing factors, the heat dome, has spurred high pressure over the Southern United States. It is a system where it creates a sinking column of warming air that traps dormant heat already absorbed by the landscape. The ongoing global issue of climate change also plays a major role in the extreme temperatures in Texas. It is expected that temperatures will continue to rise, with the average temperature looking to be 103.8 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century if there are no immediate steps taken to lessen this effect. Furthermore, most parts of the US have been experiencing the summer solstice, with increasing temperatures going into the month of July.

This extreme heat has taken the largest effect on young people and people who are over the age of 65, as they are said to be the most vulnerable to heat-related illnesses and death. In addition, those who are unable to afford air-conditioning often suffer from stroke and dehydration, which is detrimental to their health. For some, this extreme heat may not be life-threatening, but it can negatively impact their everyday life. Hot weather that human bodies are not accustomed to can impair cognition, motor control, and affect our ability to do our everyday tasks. This results in inefficiency when people are required to work outdoors, including construction workers or farmers. Interestingly, crime rates and violence are likely to increase, as it has been researched that hotter weather tends to make humans more “aggressive.”

Experts are working to seek possible solutions to this ongoing problem in Texas, as it is evidently getting more hazardous as time passes. Many are even wondering if the state is still safe to live and work in.

<Jiann Kim Beckman High School 11th Grade>

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