
Korean Community in Mourning Following Texas Shooting

2023-09-25 (월) 12:00:00 Julia Jun LCHS / 11th Grade
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Korean Community in Mourning  Following Texas Shooting

Julia Jun LCHS / 11th Grade

On a fateful day in Texas, on May 6th, tragedy struck when a shooting unfolded at an outlet mall, claiming the lives of 9 precious individuals.

Of those, 3 individuals within the Korean community, Kyungsoo Cho, 37, his wife Cindy Cho, 35, and their beloved three-year-old son were sadly killed during the shooting. The Korean couple left behind a 6 year old son, William.

The devastating event has struck a chord within the Korean community as a whole Korean family was found victim of this tragic event. The senseless loss of Kyung Sung Cho, Cindy Cho, and their young son has left a void in the hearts of many, serving as a chilling reminder of such events.

The suspect has been identified as a 33 year old male named Mauricio Garcia. According to, “Garcia, who entered the Army in June 2008, was terminated three months later without completing his initial entry training - and was not assigned a specific job or “military occupational specialty.” Garcia’s most recent employment records obtained by NPR show he completed Level II training in 2017 to work with Champion National Security as a security guard.” After the shooting, a police officer shot down the suspect, and Mauricio Garcia died on the spot.

In light of this tragic event, the importance of comprehensive security measures and public safety protocols cannot be overstated. It is crucial for communities and public institutions to work together to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all individuals.

Enhancing security standards, providing proper training, and implementing effective background checks are a vital step in preventing similar incidents.

The Texas mall shooting has left a mark on the hearts of the Korean community, reminding us that the threat of violence knows no boundaries. As we mourn the loss of the Cho family and reflect on this tragic event, let us work together to raise awareness and foster change as we advocate for a safer community so as to never allow this type of incident to occur again. May the memories of the lost individuals inspire us to build a safer and more compassionate society for all.

<Julia Jun LCHS / 11th Grade>

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