
Behind the Scenes of Artistic Swimming

2023-08-07 (월) 12:00:00 Roanne Jubee Lee / North Hollywood High School 11th Gra
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Behind the Scenes of Artistic Swimming

Roanne Jubee Lee / North Hollywood High School 11th Gra

Artistic swimming is a unique sport in which swimmers perform a synchronized routine followed by background music.

As a dedicated artistic swimmer myself, I know how much effort goes into performing one routine. The more members in a team, the harder it is to cooperate all together and perform in a synchronized format. Although the sport can be hard, completing the challenges of performing certain figures can be enjoyable!

‘Figures’ in artistic swimming are very significant. Figures are the different movements performed and executed by the swimmers. They encompass a variety of figures: ballet leg, crane, barracuda, and many more. Most of these figures require swimmers to use their upper and lower body strength under water and move their legs outside of the water. The audience watching the swimmers perform would only be able to see the movements of the swimmers’ legs. However, underneath the water, swimmers are rapidly moving their arms and using their upper body strength to keep their lower part of their bodies up and moving outside of the water.

Apart from perfecting such figures, artistic swimmers also have to continue to train their abilities to hold their breath underwater. As swimmers have to perform underwater for a long period of time, they often warm up with exercises related to holding their breath. For instance, my artistic swimming teammates and I swim under water from one end of the pool to the other end without coming out. Of course, if we feel like we really need a breath of air we do come out of the water, but we try our best not to.

Flexibility also plays a very vital role in artistic swimming as many figures require leg flexibility skills. Artistic swimmers, just like regular swimmers, stretch their bodies before going into the water. However, artistic swimmers focus on stretching their legs and improving their strengths in flexibility.

Artistic swimmers use a lot of their body strengths while performing their routines. Therefore, building muscle strength is equally as important. For me, this is the hardest part about artistic swimming because I don’t have much body strength. This makes it hard for me to perform certain figures underwater as I can’t keep my lower body up and out of the water due to my poor upper body strength. As I am lacking in this area compared to my other team mates, I often do exercises that will help me build up muscle strength. Practicing the figures over and over again that often give me a hard time to perform is something that must be done in order to excel in a performance.

Yet, what truly makes artistic swimming an unparalleled art is the collaboration among the swimmers in the team. It’s challenging to put together a new figure as one, but the rewarding feeling at the end is speechless. Whenever any one of us is having a difficult time with a certain figure, we always help one another. When we go out to competitions and end up winning a medal, we exclaim with joy for we know how much effort and practice we have put into getting the result we desire. That feeling of satisfaction and happiness is something I can and will never forget.

Despite the difficulties, it remains an extraordinary sport in my heart. The unique blend of swimmers, the joy of sliding through the water, and synchronizing as one always creates a pure bliss.

Roanne Jubee Lee / North Hollywood High School 11th Grade

<Roanne Jubee Lee / North Hollywood High School 11th Gra>

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