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Future Healthcare Leaders: “Quality and Integrity”

2023-07-10 (월) 12:00:00 Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School Ellis Chae
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Future Healthcare Leaders: “Quality and Integrity”

Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School Ellis Chae

Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School is located in Los Angeles, California, in the United States.

It is a highly rated, public magnet high school in the Los Angeles Unified School District that focuses on serving students who plan to study in the healthcare field.

Bravo Medical Magnet offers a world-class education to grades 9-12. It has a total enrollment of 1,752 students with a student-teacher ratio of 25 to 1.

Bravo students enroll in a rigorous curriculum that allows them to explore careers and professions in the medical fields, Public Health, Patient Care, Biomedical Technology and Engineering, and Health Care Administration.

Our school creates the opportunity to help students learn about health professions through two special programs during the students’ junior and senior year. The Biotechnology program consists of either Science, Technology, and Research (STAR) or Engineering for Health Academy (EHA). STAR students train in research working in a research laboratory at USC to study biomedicine - diseases, drugs, medicine, cells - and find solutions to problems. Likewise, EHA students also do some research, but they include engineering and physics in their studies. The Patient Care Program allows students to work inside a hospital helping patients.

Bravo Medical Magnet High School partners with several community institutions and organizations, giving every student the opportunity to experience and learn about a wide variety of health careers and professions. We partner with the USC Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles General Hospital, the USC School of Nursing, AltaMed, the LA County Public Health Department, and more.

Bravo students have opportunities to excel in the wide range of athletic, arts, and social programs. Moreover, many honors have been awarded to the school for its excellence. Critical thinking and academic Achievement, Creativity and Innovation, Collaboration, Communication, and Culturally responsive community members. These, known as the 5Cs, are known to show students the outcomes of learning.

With all these resources, the school’s vision and mission is to encourage all students to succeed through advanced academics and good behavior to prepare them for a possible future in health professions. Bravo Medical Magnet High School has continued its traditions of high academic achievement and keeping a safe and nurturing environment. We are thrilled to welcome you to our school.

I hope you experience good educational opportunities early on. I look forward to growing into a future healthcare leader and becoming a “Bravo” person who contributes and provides service as a member of the community.

<Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School Ellis Chae>

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