
Taking Medicine Into Your Own Hands

2023-10-02 (월) 12:00:00 James Lee Beckman High School / 10th Grade
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Taking Medicine Into Your Own Hands

James Lee Beckman High School / 10th Grade

How many times has someone taken a doctor’s advice without question? Due to our lack of knowledge in the medical space and busy lifestyle, it is common that most of us don’t stop and ask what we are being prescribed.

Unfortunately, due to the work schedule and ever changing discoveries in medicines, doctors often don’t get to keep up with relevant health-related news. In addition, most doctors have many patients they are responsible for, so it is difficult to keep track of each patient’s exact condition and overall health. For example, there have been significant breakthroughs with mainstream diseases; however, this information is sometimes unknown to the common doctor, much less the general public.

First, cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by walking every day. Walking increases the heart rate and improves blood flow, lowering blood pressure. The meta-analysis of 15 studies involving nearly 50,000 people from four continents found that walking between 6,000 and 8,000 steps per day was linked with a lower risk of death from all causes among older adults.

Next, this study was done by a group of researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience. As the researchers manipulated the levels of microRNA-132, they used a unique technique called single-cell RNA sequencing to examine the genes that changed in each cell type in the brain. They quickly discovered that the microRNA plays a role in microglia, the brain’s immune cells. Therefore, the ultimate goal would be to increase microRNA-132 in Alzheimer’s patients as a therapeutic strategy.

Influenza is one of the most common and contagious diseases, and during the infection, symptoms such as fever, decreased appetite, and lethargy can occur. During these kinds of conditions, prostaglandins form. They are lipids that deal with injuries and illness. However, scientists have discovered an additional pathway that doesn’t activate the creation of prostaglandins. “If you can find a way to inhibit both pathways and use them in synergy, that would be incredibly exciting and potentially transformative,” said senior author Stephen Liberles, professor of cell biology at the Blavatnik Institute at HMS and an investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Thousands of common and uncommon diseases are worldwide, and new studies and cures are developing daily. Although it is difficult for us to understand and read through all of the literature, you must take care of your health. You can do this by understanding your family’s medical history to help guide your research into the diseases you are most vulnerable to. Another option is to analyze your bloodwork to get insight into diseases or disorders that may impact you. Lastly, take your health into your own hands by seeking multiple opinions on your health circumstances and looking into multiple treatment options in your country and abroad.

While getting medical advice from your doctor is always the first step, it is crucial for you to take actions that fit your condition the best because medicine is constantly evolving.

<James Lee Beckman High School / 10th Grade>

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