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Inaccessibility of the U.S. healthcare system for immigrants

2022-12-26 (월) 12:00:00 Dain Kang 12th Trabuco Hills High School
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Inaccessibility of the U.S. healthcare system for immigrants

Dain Kang 12th Trabuco Hills High School

Insurance, a major component of our lives, is an important tool we use to prepare ourselves for unexpected situations. Without sufficient coverage plans, the measure of financial burden can alter substantially-expenses incurred without prior notice will easily surmount the border of affordability. Though many types of insurance exist today in the U.S., this article particularly focuses on U.S. health insurance and its inequity for immigrants.

According to Census Bureau Data, as of 2022, approximately 46.6 million immigrants reside in the U.S. Although the immigrant population in the U.S. accounts for a significant portion of the nation’s labor force, the barriers faced by immigrants trying to access healthcare only seem to be increasing. Even lawfully present immigrant families who fulfill the eligibility requirements of healthcare coverage remain uninsured for various reasons. Now, let’s explore the common reasons why immigrants remain uninsured.

As a first step, we can point out that the failure to insure oneself is primarily caused by the inaccessible systems set-up. The U.S. healthcare system is known to be “overly-complicated” compared to those of other countries, with even long-term U.S. residents and citizens often struggling to navigate it.

Immigrants face the same issues but with additional conflicts to overcome, such as language barriers and fears and obstacles pertaining to their immigrant status. The current U.S. healthcare system rarely accommodates these circumstances, making it extremely difficult for immigrants to access insurance.

Financial capability is the next point to consider. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted a large number of the U.S. population financially. In particular, members of the immigrant community experienced a large, likely negative impact on their income status as, prior to the pandemic, the majority were employed in primary or secondary labor sectors.

With the exceptionally high expense of U.S. health insurance, it is hard to expect a financially-unstable immigrant family to find an affordable healthcare plan to support their health conditions.

Securing adequate healthcare insurance is crucial for everyone. It is the fundamental right of all U.S. residents to have access to such medical support in need.

If we remain uninsured, the lack of sufficient healthcare treatment may lead to serious health consequences. Despite the important role of immigrants in the U.S., the seriousness of insufficient healthcare for this vital community is often overlooked.

As we develop solutions to mitigate this significant issue, here are some things for us to consider: the diverse experiences of immigrant families, the effects of the pandemic, and the current and past immigration policies.

Dain Kang 12th
Trabuco Hills High School

<Dain Kang 12th Trabuco Hills High School>

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