

2005-07-27 (수)
크게 작게
■ 박애숙의 영어 요리

▲재료: 물 4컵, 다시마 10g, A(국멸치 15마리, 가다랭이가루 20g, 표고버섯 3장, 양파 1/2개, 생강 1톨, 대파 1대), 간장 2/3컵, 청주. 맛술 2큰술씩, 설탕 1큰술, 메밀 480g, 물 1.5갤런, 무즙. 김 채·채 썬 파 1큰술씩, 와사비 1작은술
▲만들기: 찬물에 다시마를 넣고 2~3시간 담근 후 다시마와 A를 넣고 끓이다가 물이 끓어오르면 다시마를 빼고 5분쯤 더 끓이다가 불을 끄고 건더기를 체에 건진 후 간장, 청주, 설탕을 넣고 한 번 더 끓인 후 불을 끄고 식으면 냉장고에 하루쯤 넣어 둔다. 메밀을 삶는다.
다시 국물에 무즙, 파, 와사비를 섞는다. 메밀국수를 접시에 담고 김을 뿌린 후 다시 국물과 함께 낸다.


▲INGREDIENTS: 4 cups water, 10g dried kelp, Ingredient A(15 Dried anchovies , 20g dried shaved bonito, 3 Shiitake Mushrooms, 1/2 onion, 1 clove of Ginger peeled and finely cut, 1 scallion) 2/3 cups soy sauce, 2 Tbs rice wine, 2 Tbs red wine, 1 Tbs sugar, 480g buckwheat noodles, 1.5 gallons water, 1 Tbs radish juice, hint of thinly sliced roasted seaweed, 1 Tbs chopped green onion, 1 tsp wasabi
▲DIRECTIONS: To make broth, soak kelp in cold water for 2~3 hours. In a pot, combine ingredients in A with kelp and boil for 5 minutes. As soon as water boils, remove kelp and continue to boil for another 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and remove all and discard except broth. Add soy sauce, rice wine and sugar to the broth. Boil for 5 more minutes. Turn off the heat and refrigerate broth.
Cook noodles in rapidly boiling water until done. Drain noodles. Put grated radish, green onion and wasabi into each broth. Serve noodles on a flat dish and sprinkle with sliced seaweed. To eat, dip lightly in sauce.

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