

2005-06-01 (수)
크게 작게
▲재료: 갈비 1.3Kg, 물3컵, A (마늘 4쪽, 통후추 1작은술, 생강 1쪽, 무우 300g), B(간장 1 2/3컵, 황설탕 2큰술, 다크콘시럽 2큰술, 레드와인 2큰술, 배 1개, 다진마늘 2큰술, 참기름 1큰술, 통깨 1작은술, 후춧가루 1/6작은술), 밤 7개, 대추 7개, 표고버섯 7개
▲만들기: 갈비에 칼집을 2군데 넣은 후 찬물에 2시간쯤 담가둔다. 갈비를 물이 끓는 냄비에 A와 함께 넣고 20~30분 가량 끓인 다음 갈비를 체에 받쳐 걸러놓고 국물은 식으면 기름기를 제거한다. A에서 무만 건져둔다. B를 믹서에 넣고 간 다음 갈비를 2시간정도 재둔다. 표고버섯을 B양념 2큰술에 무친 후 기름 두른 팬에 살짝 볶아둔다. 갈비에 육수 2컵을 넣고 끓이다가 건져둔 무와 표고버섯, 밤, 대추를 넣고 30분 정도 조린다.(슬로우 쿠커에서는 4시간쯤 조린다)

Stewed Beef Ribs

▲Ingredients: 3 lb beef short ribs, 3 cups water, 7 Shiitake Mushrooms, 7 chestnuts, 7 jujubes or Chinese dates, Ingredients A(4 cloves garlic, 1 tsp whole black pepper, 1 clove ginger, 1/2 lb radish), Ingredients B(1 2/3 cup soy sauce, 2 Tbs brown sugar, 2 Tbs dark corn syrup, 2 Tbs red wine, 1 pear, 2 Tbs chopped garlic, 1 Tbs sesame oil, 1 tsp roasted sesame seed, 1/6 tsp black pepper)
▲Cut shallow slits over the rips. Place beef ribs in water and let sit for 2 hours to bleed. Remove ribs from water and boil in fresh water with Ingredients in A for 20-30 minutes. Remove ribs and let it drain. Skim the fat off the top of the broth after it cools down and set aside. Remove and keep radishes to use later. In a blender, blend Ingredients B together until smooth. Pour mixture into the beef ribs and marinade for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Mix Shiitake Mushrooms with 2 Tbs of Ingredients B and fry with a little bit of oil for 1-2 minutes. Pour two cups of broth over the marinaded beef ribs and boil over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add shiitake mushrooms, radishes, chestnuts, dates and boil down for 30 minutes or until dark and rich color. (If use a slow cooker, cook about 4 hours)

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